Part of our church’s DNA is to be in risk-taking Mission & Service
Here are a few of the ways the Bryson City UMC is involved in life-changing mission beyond our walls.
Restoration House
The Restoration House WNC is a ministry of the Bryson City UMC that has a community impact with a diverse board of directors that guide the mission to provide restoration to people in body, mind, and spirit.
The Restoration House will serve as a comprehensive clearing-house of information for the various resources available in Swain County. In addition, it will be the physical location for services of healing that are being developed through partnerships with other not-for-profit organizations that offer medical, counseling financial training, and mediation in our area. By design there will be a prayer room located in the middle of the house so that prayer will be at the center of all restorative services. Behind the Restoration house will be a labyrinth with walls of vegetable gardens providing even more ways to heal body and spirit through prayer and food. CLICK HERE to learn more visit the Restoration House WNC website.
Congregations 4 Children
C4C is a grassroots movement that transforms the lives of children and their families. For example, meeting physical needs such as clothing/shoes or volunteering to serve as a Reading Buddy can make a tremendous difference in a child’s life. By having all churches work together, we will be able to accomplish more than we could ever do on our own. The Swain County C4C is moving forward in our mission to help pull children out of poverty by building relationships and providing better reading skills. To learn more visit the Congregations 4 Children website.
Logs of Love – One of the ways that our church gives back to the community is through our firewood ministry. The program was launched in 2014 and continues to serve a host of families.
Swain County Caring Corner – located in the Bryson City UMC building, this non-profit organization that seeks to provide medical services to the underserved in our communities. Office and Registration: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9AM-Noon Volunteers make appointments and follow up on labs and referrals. Clinic: Thursday 4PM-9PM Volunteer medical providers see patients with appointments. Call 828-341-1998 to sign up for care if you or a loved one is uninsured and makes less than 200% of poverty level. Others may also qualify so please contact us to see if you qualify to receive free medical care from our volunteer providers. To learn more visit the Swain County Caring Corner website.
Good Samaritan Fund – provide community-wide assistance for sick, especially the elderly, through financial help for prescription drugs. Call the church office for help.
Food Pantry Volunteers and Donations – we work closely with other churches to serve the community’s needs by providing food, funding, and volunteers for this ministry.
Department of Social Services – provide for those struggling our community: Easter Baskets for foster children, Christmas gifts, mittens and school supplies for local children, and distribute government commodities to the needy.
Emergency Supplies – we help as needed by providing buckets filled with hope. Some go to provide cleaning supplies, some birthing supplies, while others go to provide clean water to hurricane victims.
Through the work of Bryson City UMC and River of Life we are working at giving hope to the people of Haiti through clean water. The mission of outreach through water has been in the DNA of the River of Life since it began 9 years ago. Over the past few years, over 50 community wells have been set in place, water buckets and water purification supplies have been distributed and water needs were provided for a regional hospital (serving up to 300,000 people) have been given. For more about this visit the River of Life missions page.
As United Methodists
We are very intentional about being in connection with other churches to help those in need. As part of the bigger United Methodist Church our congregation understands that “we” can do so much more than “me.”